Saturday, June 8, 2013

New News: Summer Changes

First things first... You deserve an ENORMOUS apology. Please forgive me for abandoning you over the past 2 weeks, as this is not the first time your abandoned here.   
Most of us and our families caught an unusual virus that was going around in our area. The "nick-name" of it is "5th's Disease," often referred to as "erythema infectiosum" which I nor anyone one else here had ever heard of prior to catching it. The craziest part was that almost every child at my son's school suffered from it as well. Some cases were more severe than others, but it defiantly went around. 
If you get a chance, you should definitely read a few articles on it. It's like nothing I've ever caught before. 
Caused by parvovirus B19 (only transferable between humans) some of the unique symptoms generated by this virus are a rash developing on the face, which will slowly work its way down, fever, headaches, and swollen joints in adults. Also Less likely to occur in adults. 
By the way... By the time someone finds out that they have this fifths disease virus, they're usually no longer contagious. 
Okay enough of my rambling on about this (it was just so intriguing to me) let's move on to other announcements .... 

So since it appears as though nothing appears to be working properly with many of the things we've tried so far, I will be taking the time out this summer to create a new strategy and approach thing differently! My new team and I will start fresh, creating a new look, purpose, etc... 
You can expect to see changes to the blog's appearance and possibly in other places as well. 

Please feel free to make any suggestions on what you would or could be more effective for you!!

In the mean time, I will do my best to continue posting photos & any other events that may be important.  
Thanks & wish you & your family a HAPPY SUMMER!!! HAVE A BLAST!! 

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